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Light Your Kitchen with LEDs - Marcled Blog

Kitchen with LEDs

Light Your Kitchen with LEDs

Whether you’re an aspiring cook who loves to spend hours preparing elaborate meals or you’re someone who prefers to limit the time you spend on cooking to a minimum, you still need a well-designed kitchen with a practical work surface and a comfortable place to sit down and enjoy your meal. But if you want your kitchen to be functional and comfortable, it also has to be well-lit – that’s why finding the best lighting design is extremely important. Below we’ll share our tips on how you can light up your kitchen with LED lights.

How can you use LED lights in your kitchen?

There are three categories of lighting you should consider when designing your kitchen:

1. ambient lighting, which is the main source of light,
2. accent lighting, which often is more decorative than it is practical,
3. task lighting, which helps in bringing light to the areas it’s most useful in.

Combining all three of these lighting types enables you to give your project the functionality and comfort you’re after. Though it’s worth pointing out that it’s quite common for kitchen LED lights to fit into more than one category.

Among the most effective uses of LED lighting in kitchens is adding LED lights to kitchen cabinets. There are a few options here from installing LED profiles with LED tapes underneath the cabinets to light up the worktops to installing LED tape profiles inside the cabinets to help you see what’s inside. Such solutions are not only practical and make working around the kitchen much easier, but they also improve the general appearance of the room by giving it more character.

Replace your old bulbs

Even though layering your lighting is a great way to give your project more variation and depth, you cannot forget about the overhead lighting – whether it’s the main ceiling lamp that’s responsible for providing sufficient visibility or spotlight lamps that can help you light up work surfaces. Luckily, even here LEDs can be very helpful – by replacing your old incandescent bulbs with new and more energy-efficient LED ones, you can save a lot of money without sacrificing the amount of light you get!

Bring more light and style to your home with LED lights – find the most efficient solutions for your kitchen and turn it into a well-lit and beautiful room that you’ll enjoy for years to come!

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