led strip lights in different colours

How to Fix LED Lights that Are Different Colors? 5 Practical Solutions

Are you having problems with your LED strips changing colors? Not sure why your light sources don’t display the correct colors? Have you hit the power button and the problem has persisted? You needn’t worry any longer. In this article, we’ll go over precisely how to fix LED lights that are different colors by giving you several simple and practical solutions you can implement right away!

Check the Power Supply

The most common reason LED lights are displaying different colors is due to problems with the power source. Inadequate power supply, differences in voltages, and faulty connections can result in LED lights to display in different colors.

If you suspect the power source is the problem, here are the things you need to check:


LED lights typically require a specific voltage to function correctly. Check the voltage of your LED lights and ensure that your power source is providing the correct amount of power. Fix voltage drop if you want to fix LEDs displaying the wrong colors.


Make sure that your LED lights are compatible with your power source. Some LED lights require a specific type of power source, such as DC or AC.


Check that all the connections between the LED lights and the power source are tight and secure. Loose connections can cause the lights to flicker or display different colors.


Check the wiring between the power source and the LED lights. Look for any frayed or damaged wires that could be causing the issue.

If you suspect that the power source is still the root cause of the issue, you should try plugging the LED lights into different LED power supplies to see if the issue persists. If it doesn’t, then you’ve pinpointed the cause of the LED failure, and you may need to replace the original power source. If the issue persists, it means the power source isn’t the culprit.

Ensure the LED System is Properly Wired

Incorrect wiring can also cause LED lights to display different colors. Make sure that all the wires are correctly connected and secured. If you’re unsure how to check or rewire your lights, consider hiring an electrician to help.

When checking the wiring of your LED lights, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Wiring Condition

Inspect the wiring for any signs of damage, such as frayed or exposed wires. Damaged wiring can cause voltage drops, which as we mentioned above, can lead to LED lights displaying different colors.

Wiring Connections

Check that all the wiring connections are tight and secure. Loose connections can cause voltage drops and can lead to LED lights displaying different colors. This is especially relevant if you run multiple strips.

Wiring Configuration

Make sure that the wiring is configured correctly. Incorrect wiring can cause LED lights to display different colors or not function at all.

Reset the System

Sometimes, LED systems can become misconfigured or encounter software errors that cause the LEDs to display different colors. Resetting a lighting system can help fix LEDs with different colors by restoring the system to its default settings.

To reset an LED system, you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific system. But in general, the process goes something like below:

  1. Turning off the power to the LED system.
  2. Locating the reset button or switch on the control module.
  3. Pressing and holding the reset button or switch for a few seconds.
  4. Turning the power back on and testing the LED lights to see if the issue has been resolved.

You have to remember that resetting the LED system will erase any custom settings or programming that you may have. If you don’t want that, you should try out another solution on our list.

If resetting the system does not resolve the issue, there may be a hardware problem with the LED system such as sensitive diodes that’s been damaged, an RGB strip connector that doesn’t function correctly.

Replace Faulty Bulbs to Fix Different LED Light Colors

If none of the solutions above help fix the problem, maybe it is time to replace the LED bulbs. Check the bulbs individually to identify any that are not functioning properly and replace them with new bulbs.

When you’re getting new bulbs, however, make sure you’re getting compatible bulbs of similar quality that can operate on the same supply power. This is to ensure the strip’s brightness is uniform, it functions properly, and it doesn’t cause you complications in the future.


Hope our list has helped you learn how to fix LED lights that are different colors. It is important to remember that sometimes due to metallic or ceramic surfaces or warm air, some LED lights might appear as different colors, but this doesn’t have anything to do with the LED system itself.

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